Free & Equal


Free and Equal Voting app is powered by Nexus blockchain, ensuring that your votes are securely stored on the blockchain for immutability and verifiability.

Verify your vote

See if your vote has been recorded correctly on Nexus blockchain.

Please enter your mobile phone number below

How to intepret transactions data

Votes are stored on the Nexus blockchain as transactions of tokens that are uniquely generated for each poll. The structure of a transaction is as follows:
{ txid: string; contracts: { to: { address: string; } amount: number; reference: number; } }

  • txid: The transaction's unique identifier in Nexus blockchain. You can use txid to look up the transaction details on Nexus Explorer.
  • contracts: With Ranked Choice Voting, your vote can consist of multiple candidates. Each object in contracts array represents one of the candidates you voted for.
  • The candidate's register address on Nexus blockchain. You can use it to look up the candidate's details on Nexus Explorer or check locally with the following command:
    assets/get/account address=<register_address>
    Replace <register_address> with the value from
  • contracts.amount: Represents the preference order of the candidate in your vote. If amount equals 5, it's your most preferred candidate. If amount equals 4, it's your second most preferred candidate, and so on...
  • contracts.reference: checksum of your phone number. One Nexus transaction can contain multiple votes from different voters due to batching mechanism to improve system performance, so reference can be used to distinguish votes from different voters.